Aqua Peel

 Aqua Peel Skin Care

With the support of the methods applied in skin care by technological developments, the efficiency level has increased even more. In particular, the diversification of the methods used to remove the dirt from the skin makes it possible to find a method suitable for every skin type. You can also take a look at the Aqua peel method to get a very comprehensive care and get your skin renewed. This application, also known as the beauty coming with water, provides skin freshness and moisture balance.

Aqua Peel Skin Care Application

What are the differences between Aqua peel skin care and other methods? Details about the method;

  • The main purpose of the method is to clean the skin of the dirt from the remains that will cause acne.
  • As it is a method applied without the use of any harmful material, it makes the people who are in favor of being natural very satisfied.
  • If you do not have open inflamed acne, you can undergo cleaning with aqua peel method and prevent the formation of new acnes.
  • Aqua peel also has a vacuuming process. This will eliminate even the dirt on the lower layers of the skin.
  • It is possible to describe this method as a disinfecting process.

You can take advantage of this method in a short time with reasonable prices and get the key to youth.

Stages of Skin Care with Aqua Peel Application

1.Adım; Temizleme işleminde yapısında düşük dozlarda AHA (Alfa Hidroksit Asit) uygulanarak cilt gözeneklerinin açılmasına yardımcı olmaktadır. İşlemin süresi ortalama olarak 5 -10 dk. sürmektedir.

2.Adım; Ekstraksiyon uygulamasında cilt yapısında rahatsızlıklar giderilir. düşük oranda (Salisilikasit) cilde 5 – 10 dk. arasında uygulanmaktadır. Bakteri ve cilt parazitleri giderilir.

3.Adım; Cildi besleme uygulamasında az miktarda (Salisilikasit) cilde 5 – 10 dakika ka

Step 1; The application of low doses of AHA (Alpha Hydroxide Acid) in the cleaning process helps to open the skin pores. The duration of the procedure takes 5 -10 minutes.

Step 2; With Extraction application, the discomfort in the skin structure is removed; low ratio of (Salicylic acid) is applied to the skin for 5 – 10 minutes. Bacteria and skin parasites are eliminated.

Step 3; A small amount of (salicylic acid) is applied to the skin for 5 – 10 minutes in skin feeding application. In this way, moisture balance in the skin structure is provided.

Features of Aqua Peel

AhaSolution: S1 solution is suitable for all skin types. It helps to remove dead skin in the skin structure. It contributes to the cleansing and softening of the skin.

BhaSolution: S2 solution helps to remove acne spots and black spots. The solution to be applied in Aqua peel application is determined according to skin problems.

EssenceSolution: S3 solution maintains the moisture balance of the skin. The skin is moisturized with this solution applied in dry and matte skin structures.

Which skin types are suitable for Aqua Peel?

Aqua peel skin care is suitable for skin types. The degree of application differs during the process. A different range of application is made to dry skin and oily skin. Therefore, regardless of your skin type, the method can be used. However, it is recommended that skin care should not be applied to skin that has acne. It should also be emphasized that the peeling, i.e. the methods that save skin from dead skins with renewal purposes, can cause reactions in skins with acne.

What should be considered in skin care with Aqua Peel?

After applying Aqua peel skin care, you should absolutely avoid exposure to severe sunlight. It should also be taken into account that sun rays and winds may increase skin irritation.

Cleaner Selection: You should also be careful about cleaners that you should use daily. It is recommended to use soft products that are recommended by the experts. Some of the cleaners are highly irritating and therefore may cause the skin to become more sensitive after treatment. You can make your skin care regular in a very short while and cause your skin to become eye-catching. For more information about aqua peel prices in Ankara, please contact us.

Özel Ankara HLC Center for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
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