Sweating Botox

Botox has started to be seen as an alternative to many treatment methods in recent years. In this sense, sweating botox has become an effective method for of treatment.  It is a successful solution to the sweating problem without requiring a surgical procedure.

Botox for Excessive Sweating in Armpit

Excessive sweating problem with sweating botox process is resolved.

Many people are complaining about excessive sweating today. Because in the summer they cannot choose clothes as they wish because of this problem. They can’t be active in social life. All these are problems that negatively affect the lives of individuals. First of all, it restricts people. Therefore, getting treated as soon as possible without requiring surgical procedures is seen as a good alternative. The application has almost no side effects.

Botox method gives effective results in excessive armpit sweating treatment.”

How is botox performed in armpit sweating?

Botox treatment is applied to the armpits, hands and feet in sweating complaints. In other words, these are the places that can be the most sweating in our body. Process steps: Firstly, a test is done to the patient. The name of this test is the iodine-starch test. After the test is performed, the processes are started. The unit used during the process ranges from 100 to 150.

Excessive sweating with armpit sweating botox is treated.

Is it possible to feel pain in sweating botox process?

In the treatment of sweating, pain can sometimes be felt in the foot and hands. For this purpose, pain relief creams are used. The most easily recovered operation is armpit botox. Because almost no pain is felt.

Is there any resting after armpit sweating botox?

Botoks sonrasında normal hayatınıza geri dönebilirsiniz. Uzun süre istirahat etmeniz gerekmez. İşlem sonrasında o bölgelerdeki terlemeler durdurulmuş olur. El terlemesinde botoks ve diğer uygulamalar sayesinde günlük hayatta daha özgüvenli olabilirsiniz.

Terleme Botoksu Yönteminin Etki Süresi Ne Kadardır ?

You can return to your normal life after Botox. You don’t need to rest for a long time. After the process, sweating in those areas is stopped. Thanks to botox and other applications in hand sweating, you can be more confident in daily life.

Is it okay to swim sea after Botox?

This treatment is mostly considered in summer months. In this case, it is asked with curiosity whether the patient can swim. There are no drawbacks for swimming after botox application. You can continue in the same way you do in normal life.

One of the reasons why it is advantageous compared to the surgical method is to return to social life immediately. The other advantage is that it is more cost-effective. Botox also has the advantages of not having scars and being successful controlling sweating.

Özel Ankara HLC Center for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
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