Arm Lifting

The plastic arm lifting operations to eliminate the sagging of the arms due to different reasons such as excessive weight gain and weight loss and age. Excessive adipose tissue in the arms and excess skins are removed, making the arms look healthier and aesthetic. There are different approaches such as surgical operation, liposuction and Smooth Shape depending on the patient’s body characteristics, arm sagging and fat ratio.

Arm Lifting Thinning Surgery

Arm Lifting Surgey

Planning done considering the body / skin structure and expectations of the patient is the most important phase. If applied together with operations such as breast or abdomen, planning is done more comprehensively. The surgery performed under general anesthesia consists of three stages:

  • Liposuction (Fat removal)
  • Removal of excess skin and tightening of the subcutaneous tissue
  • Tightening and re-stitching of the skin

The operation lasts around 2 to 4 hours. It is recommended that the patient stays in the hospital for one night.

Arm Lifting Operation

Liposuction method is applied in cases where there is less amount of fat in the arm area and skin sagging is not excessive. The recovery process is faster because there is no surgical operation. It is expected that the skin will compress itself after liposuction because only the adipose tissue is removed. If there is no problem with skin elasticity, the skin will recover. It is more efficient in younger patients. Arm and body exercises play a very important role after liposuction.

Smooth Shape Arm Tightening

With the arm thinning aesthetics, sags in the arm area are removed.

This is the choice applied with laser for those who want to have a tighter arm in a very short time. Laser dissolves the fat on the arm. Dissolved fat is naturally excreted from the body. It is the method if there is less lipoidosis and sagging on the arm. After a few sessions the effects are clearly observed. Thanks to the effective method on cellulite, both a tight arm and a soft skin are achieved.

Why do arms sag?

  • In addition to genetic properties, frequent weight gain, not doing sports and age are fundamental reasons.

Which methods are used in arm thinning?

  • Surgery
  • Liposuction
  • Smooth Shape

Which method is suitable for arm lifting?

  • Your doctor will inform you based on your age, the degree of lipoidosis and sagging in your arm.

When can I return to work after arm lifting surgery?

  • You can return to work within 6 to 7 days after the operation. You should pay attention to movements that strain your arms.

Is there a scar after arm lifting surgery?

  • The incisions opened during the surgery are closed with a concealed suture. The scars will disappear in time based on your skin structure, age and life habits.
Özel Ankara HLC Center for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
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